No matter how strange it may sound, in the near future Russia can become one of the main suppliers of virtual SUVs to the Western market. There have been there recently with such cars. Hole models, poorly adapted for off -road driving, are not able to keep interest for a long time. For example, Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2 – thought out to the smallest details, shines with expensive details, but after half an hour of comfortable driving you start to peck your nose.

In such a situation, the domestic “AutoProm” has a chance: our UAZs are significantly inferior to Western counterparts in quality, but they are not afraid to climb into the swamps of hardcore. And if the “Full -wheel drive” series is such a frank “goat”, in the very roof stained with mud, then Insane 2 Targem Games is more like the Vsevolzhsky Ford Focus.

Western design, made in Russia.

Made in Russia

Why Codemasters entrusted the work of the Russian studio iWild Casino sister sites, it is easy to understand. The team has rich experience in survival races – quite fervent Ex Machina (2006) and Sledgehammer (2008) plus secondary ArmageDdon Riders (2009). Concept Insane , Of course, it does not imply the execution of the enemy from machine guns, but there is something in common between games. The eleven years ago, the Insane was most reminiscent of crossed towns on a stray night with the headlights turned off: adrenaline beats over the edge, constantly shakes, and most importantly – new sensations every five minutes.

Developers from the Hungarian studio Invictus Turned up standard racing genre upside down. Instead of fenced racing tracks, they put the players on open cards, on which it was possible to go where would it be in the head. Moreover, the task was to catch the first to be far from always. The lion's share of the success of Insane was owed to a huge selection of gaming modes, which anyone would envy Unreal Tournament. Experienced pilots still recall with nostalgia how they tried to throw each other from the top of the hill in the Destruction Zone or fought for the banner in Capture the Flag: SUVs beat on each other, under the wheels of the torn bumers, the smell of dust and gasoline hangs in the air ..

For all its recklessness, Insane was very seriously approaching the image of SUVs. Realistic physics and racing model made quite high demands on players. An attempt to storm the steep hill without taking into account the physical features of each specific model invariably ended in the position “Wheels up”.

Mud tanks are not afraid

I liked Insane? There is a desire to repeat the same thing on real cars? There are no problems – many gaming modes have analogues in real life.

Monster Truck Demolition

Where/when: USA, from March to September

Auto class: Passenger

In the Destruction Zone mode, it was necessary to shove the opponent from the top of the hill and hold out for yourself as long as possible. According to the same rules, the competitions of the American League Monster Truck Demolition are held under the auspices of TNT Motorsports. The idea is simple: we take a dozen enthusiasts, give each three hundred bucks for the purchase of a used car and allow us to strengthen it with improvised means from the nearest garbage. Before the start of the competition, each participant in writing refuses claims to the organizers regarding the injured health or sudden death. Over the twenty years of the League, three participants died, and all three times this was due to the fact that their cars flew off the hill.

North European Zone Auto Navigation

Where/when: Great Britain, Finland, Sweden, April – June, August – October

Auto class: SUVs, ATVs

In Jamboree mode, it was necessary to go around all the points scattered on the map faster than rivals. Similar orientation tournaments are very popular in Europe. For example, the North European Zone Auto Navigation (Nez) league is quite prestigious, whose competitions are held in Britain and Scandinavia. “Mortality” among the participants is quite high – as a rule, at least a third of the pilots, having overestimated the capabilities of their car, get stuck on the way to victory. Often, eminent persons come across among the participants – for example, four -time WRC champion Yukh Kankkunen or winner of the Paris – Dakar rally in the quadracial class Joseph Makhachek.

Motor Madness

Where/when: USA, all year round

Auto class: Bigfuts

In Capture the Flag mode, players intercepted the flag from each other through direct physical contact. An analogue can be considered the Motor Madness show from the same TNT Motorsports company. Its essence is that two are released in the arena, less often – three bigfaths. One of them is considered a “flag carrier”, which needs to be caught up and hit by the bumper (touching the other part of the car is not considered – thanks to this, the “catch -up” gets the opportunity to hire the opponent’s cars). Sometimes the scene is equipped with various skulls and man -made obstacles. It is considered good tone to come up with your own design of the machine (here you can see one of the most famous beigfaths, Jurassic Attack, which several pilots performed at different times).

Riverhead Raceway

Where/when: New York, for one weekend before Independence Day

Auto class: Passenger

You will be surprised, but there is a kind of analogue and the invented Targem Games has fun with the pursuit of the helicopter. True, they catch up with a special leader in these competitions. The most popular of such competitions is annually held at the Riverhead Avtodrome in New York in a wide variety of cars. The race is not forbidden to interfere with opponents, so the races often end with a rubble on the highway, and the one who rode behind and therefore did not fall into the general “collapse”. The accident is considered to be a record last year, collecting ten cars at once.

Lobe clash

Targem Games does not hide their desires to significantly facilitate the handling of the car. According to the developers, in the Insane 2 players will still have to fight with rivals, and not with the road and their own cars. However, it was this struggle that once formed the basis of Insane ..

A damage system is also underway under the knife. That is, the destruction in Insane 2 will be – it is likely even more spectacular than before. But on the running qualities of the car, they will not be radically. The word to the head of the project, Nikolai Seleznev: “We decided to refuse the direct influence of the degree of damage to the behavior of the car – this greatly worsened the dynamics of the game. So the door, which has come off at full speed, will only be forced to start, but they will not lead to the losing. If the car loses the wheel, then, of course, there will be problems. But you can still reach the finish line a couple of meters. ". This means that it comes to an end to the old system, when the car gradually lost speed and cross -country ability with an increase in the number of accidents, until it began to get stuck on each bump. But the new physical engine will take into account the types of surface like dirt and ice.

In the mountains, on the valleys

But let's not talk about sad. Insane 2, in the end, does not have to be a "good old". It should be “no less cheerful” than the original, but Targem never had problems.

If earlier, a headache for the players was only an impassable area plus a herd of wild animals like bison or antelopes of the GNU, now an attempt to slip to the finish through the rails is fraught with a meeting with the train, and having drove on a hill during a thunderstorm, you risk getting a blow with a lightning! Players will be able to choose routes at their discretion – at shorter ones, there will always be a danger. You will be able to find a detour and get to the goal of competitors – the flag in your hands and a car train towards you.

You are free to choose the path to success, and in order not to limit you to anything, the developers copy the main feature of the first Insane – endless cards.

“We liked the highlight of the original game with a looped game world, so we added cards such as an endless beach that you can forever go, looking at the sea on one side of the road and mountains on the other. To increase the dynamics of driving, after long disputes, we still decided to add to the game so popular now nitro. It does not guarantee victory in the race, but it is completely helping to catch up with the lost seconds, ”explains Nikolai Seleznev.

That is, the Insane 2 routes are more like a shooting cards, and even such an battered racing reception as short-term acceleration works here in a new way. Come to the finish line (try finding the finish on the endless highway) is by no means the main task of the player. So, in one of the new modes, you will need to follow a helicopter flying in the sky, while trying to take rivals from the race (veterans at these words joyfully revive and remember where exactly the SUV needs to be beaten in order to discard the cliff).

* * *

Recently, Codemasters have been showing unprecedented interest in the Russian market. In addition to Insane, for enterprising English in Russia they are now making a remake Cannon Fodder 1994 release, the release should take place in the near future. It is hoped that domestic developers will not disappoint the British customer – so, you see, completely embroidered Team 17 They will ask for them to make real new ones in Russia Worms.

We will wait? The continuation of the legendary multiplayer race is less hard, more reckless and from Russia.

Percentage of readiness: 60%