Max Payne 3: Video Prove
Max Payne 3 in almost all parameters is just as good as before, or even better. The Bullet-Time mode has not gone nowhere, all the same in place of spectacular jumps, there are vigorous shootings here, and in addition, even a multiplayer appeared, which will please us with more than one regime. But it is still not clear how the move to the warm edges on one, probably the most important part of the game, will affect the plot. About the same that the player is waiting in the company of Max, whether there is noir and what the old policeman will do 12 years later-it will be possible to find out by watching our video break.
Max Payne 3
The best comments
All such experts. Nobody even saw the game 🙂
Yes, the concept of “noir” (and in this case will be more correct “neo-nuar”) wider than a black and white picture. Hopelessness can be in color. Look at least the “Memento” of Nolan.
Powerful, fat Payne returned))
Stopheim well done)
I wait, I can’t wait until*the story of the series: Resedent Evil Part 5*
I will wait for SG, I will wait))))
Yes, but only from Max Payne 3 they will not cut a third of the game, as it was with Mafia II, because the publisher is running out for the time.
I think the game will be wonderful. But … after all, I miss the snowy New York, gloomy Max with a hole in my head, mysterious Monet, charismatic Vlad, nervous Winnie, a feeling of hopelessness and doom, viscous noir ..
And yet I believe that Max Payne 3 will be able to hook me the way (at one time) the previous parts.
I support, the game will be with a bang … Well, the fact that Max Payne will be bald there is not a problem, after the game is released sooner or later, someone will make a mod where Max
will be running in the black leather half-wing and colorful shirt with a chainOn the neck (or a white shirt and a black tie))), black trousers and everyone will be happy :)))
Thanks for the preview. I will wait for Max)))
I dare to upset you. Sam Lake acts only as an assistant screenwriter. In fact, Remedi advises Rockstar, but does not participate in direct participation.
Personally, it seems to me that the plot will be excellent because the same person is responsible for it as Max Payne 1-2
I really didn’t like Alan Wake. I didn’t like it in it almost everything except the plot. And it does not seem to me that this game blows the story of Max Payne. Undoubtedly, the handwriting of Remedy is visible, but the game is different.
In the end, the game is made R*. Yes, there will now be their handwriting. But these guys make excellent games. I don’t know for what reasons the license for Max Payne is a prodley, but Remedy did it. So you can at least dose here – other people make the game.
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